Sunday, April 1, 2012

Salt Dough Experiment

When I came across a blog post on salt dough ornaments, it was as if like a kid who got excited over a new toy. I went to the grocer the next day to buy a bag of multi-purpose flour and began my first salt dough experiment. It was an easy process from kneading to cutting the dough. The toughest challenge was drying the dough in the oven partly because I do not have a good oven with even heat circulation and low temperature. As a result, the outcome was not desirable with some burned signs on the ornaments. I attempted to mould a little mousy figurine which turned out okay but it 'suffered' from a cracked body and a burned a$$....(it's nicely hidden in the photo). Though imperfect, these little things are actually quite cute! The whole experiment was an enjoyable process and I wouldn't mind giving it another try soon. After all, there's still 3/4 bag full of flour sitting in the kitchen waiting for me to do something. 

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